Use The Fertilizer of Your Past to Bloom Today!
Fed up with fake Christians? Tired of sweeping your brokenness under the rug? Then our Bloom Today TV show is for you.
We discuss taboo subjects. We talk about our pain and the path we took to healing so you can use the fertilizer of your past to Bloom Today.
We discuss taboo subjects. We talk about our pain and the path we took to healing so you can use the fertilizer of your past to Bloom Today.

take the next step
With this workbook, you'll explore forty life-changing topics from this Telly Award winning show.
Discover how each topic has affected your life.
Learn the next baby steps you can take to heal from the wounds of your past.
Discover how each topic has affected your life.
Learn the next baby steps you can take to heal from the wounds of your past.
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When you download this week’s tool, you’ll also receive a link for our complete list of coaching tools.
- Explore more details & scripture references on this topic.
- Answer questions designed to bring clarity surrounding this topic in your life.
- Start blooming today by participating in this week’s simple exercise(s).
About Bloom Today
With episodes covering topics that are traditionally swept under the carpet rather than discussed on Christian TV, Bloom Today is unique in its blend of humor, pain, and healing.
Ginny and Paula and their guests tell their deepest hurts, hidden brokenness, worst mistakes, and how they found hope and healing in a personal relationship with Christ. These ladies go first in admitting the most shameful or embarrassing things so that the viewers will know they aren’t alone. The hope is that this will encourage others to be honest about their own stories and reach out to God and trusted family or friends to ask for help on their journey to healing.
Ephesians 5:8-13 is their inspiration and motivation: “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them... But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.”
Ginny and Paula and their guests tell their deepest hurts, hidden brokenness, worst mistakes, and how they found hope and healing in a personal relationship with Christ. These ladies go first in admitting the most shameful or embarrassing things so that the viewers will know they aren’t alone. The hope is that this will encourage others to be honest about their own stories and reach out to God and trusted family or friends to ask for help on their journey to healing.
Ephesians 5:8-13 is their inspiration and motivation: “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them... But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.”

Ginny Priz and her co-host, Paula Mosher Wallace, have a lot of personal experience in the areas of external and internal brokenness. They believe everyone should be a part of shining light into the darkness for the safety and healing of the hurting men and women that hide in plain sight.
For Ginny – “The Single Handed Serenity Coach” – being born with only part of her right arm was an obvious sign of external brokenness. Because her parents have always told her that God specifically designed her this way, she is comfortable with her unique appearance. The internal brokenness took much longer to identify and begin toprocess for healing.
Today she serves as an Author, Speaker, and Christian Life Coach through her organization: Serenity Journey Ministries. Learn more about Ginny’s brokenness, healing, and services.
Paula was abused in different ways from the age of two – sexually, physically, emotionally, verbally, and spiritually – by men and women who were in and out of her church over a forty year span. As God began to heal her spirit, soul, and body, she realized that shame, guilt and fear had contributed to her illnesses.
Along her journey to healing, Paula became an author and began Bloom In The Dark, Inc. – a charity that helps victims coming out of brokenness and abuse to know that they are not alone and there is hope!
Through the Christian Women in Media Association (CWIMA), God connected Wallace and Priz to each other and to Monica Schmelter, General Manager forWHTN (Christian Television Networkǯs Nashville affiliate). After reading Bloom in the Dark, Schmelter asked Wallace to be a guest on her show, Bridges, which, in its nineteenth year, is available in over fifty million homes across the country every day.
Having seen the talent and heart both Wallace and Priz showed on television through these interviews, Schmelter asked them to consider starting individual shows that would reflect their unique ministries: Bloom in the Dark, Inc. (a 501c3 charity) and Serenity Journey Ministries. After much prayer and discussion, Priz and Wallace decided to work with Schmelter and WHTN channel 39, to produce Bloom Today, a weekly show, as an extension of Bloom In The Dark, Inc.
For Ginny – “The Single Handed Serenity Coach” – being born with only part of her right arm was an obvious sign of external brokenness. Because her parents have always told her that God specifically designed her this way, she is comfortable with her unique appearance. The internal brokenness took much longer to identify and begin toprocess for healing.
Today she serves as an Author, Speaker, and Christian Life Coach through her organization: Serenity Journey Ministries. Learn more about Ginny’s brokenness, healing, and services.
Paula was abused in different ways from the age of two – sexually, physically, emotionally, verbally, and spiritually – by men and women who were in and out of her church over a forty year span. As God began to heal her spirit, soul, and body, she realized that shame, guilt and fear had contributed to her illnesses.
Along her journey to healing, Paula became an author and began Bloom In The Dark, Inc. – a charity that helps victims coming out of brokenness and abuse to know that they are not alone and there is hope!
Through the Christian Women in Media Association (CWIMA), God connected Wallace and Priz to each other and to Monica Schmelter, General Manager forWHTN (Christian Television Networkǯs Nashville affiliate). After reading Bloom in the Dark, Schmelter asked Wallace to be a guest on her show, Bridges, which, in its nineteenth year, is available in over fifty million homes across the country every day.
Having seen the talent and heart both Wallace and Priz showed on television through these interviews, Schmelter asked them to consider starting individual shows that would reflect their unique ministries: Bloom in the Dark, Inc. (a 501c3 charity) and Serenity Journey Ministries. After much prayer and discussion, Priz and Wallace decided to work with Schmelter and WHTN channel 39, to produce Bloom Today, a weekly show, as an extension of Bloom In The Dark, Inc.

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Ginny Priz and Paula Mosher Wallace made waves on Christian television in over 200 countries with their show Bloom Today. They received so many requests from viewers to explain how the process of transformation works, they decided to enlist the help of Licensed Professional Counselor, Evonna Surrette, to explain the process step-by-step in Recovery Strategies 4 Life.
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